Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Twinges Tugs and Yanks

Each time my college age daughter comes home for a visit I find that I have a bit of a hard time telling her goodbye. I feel little wistful twinges in my heart when she leaves. She has been 'out of the house' now for almost 2 years so the little twinges are not unfamiliar.

When a baby moves out of its mother and into the world the cutting of the umbilical cord physically separates mother and baby but never are the two spiritually or emotionally separated. Around that same moment of physical separation an unseen cord takes over and whereas the purpose of the umbilical cord is to pass nourishment from mother to child, this unseen cord or bond carries nourishment between the souls of mother and child. Through this bond the child is fed protection, encouragement, experience, and love through the efforts of the mother and the mother is fed wonder, joy, fulfillment and hope through the successes small and large of the child. The absence of either mother or child leaves a lingering hunger and yearning...

Twinges and also tugs and even yanks are not unknown to mothers or to mothers' hearts. A mother's heart experiences an excited twinge of anticipation when she first learns she is to be a mother--followed by a tug of awe at the incredible sensation of the very first tiny flutterings of life stirring within her. Her heart is then all but yanked with joy when her baby is first placed in her arms. From that moment on a mother and her heart are pulled in so many directions...her skirts and pant legs are tugged on, she is pulled toward something exciting to see or in the direction of something desired and at some point even yanked quickly in an opposite direction to avoid running into the latest object of her child's affection.

A mother is well acquainted with having her heart strings tugged---out of curiosity I did a little research on the origins of that phrase. It seems that long ago those in the medical profession believed that the heart was held in place by nerves and tendons---heart strings---so tugging on heart strings jostles the heart or affects our deepest emotions. Personally, I picture heart strings attached to the heart so tugging and pulling on them can cause strain, discomfort or even pain. Some gentle tugging of the heart is similar to those little hands tugging on our pant leg to get our much needed attention..it is pleasant---not all tugging on the heart strings is painful but I believe all tugging on heart strings has a softening effect on the heart...

Each one of my children has caused tugging on my heart strings several times...

I remember when my oldest daughter was a toddler if she saw me crying she would run and get me a tissue. She was concerned about me and was offering help in the best way she knew--that pleased my heart with gentle twinges of gratitude for her young and tender caring. This daughter is now married and is a tender-hearted mother with two little ones tugging at her heart and of course that tugs wistfully at mine just watching her life unfold...

I remember watching my son when he was just a little boy try to stay up on roller skates. He would fall again and again but he kept getting back up and my heart was tugged with admiration for his persistence and then when he was older we were at the same skating rink and he was determined to join in the event of jumping off a ramp in his roller blades. I remember holding my breath and saying several quick prayers as he skated forward picking up the necessary speed before the jump. I wanted so much for him to succeed. He jumped and landed respectably on his feet and my heart was tugged hard with relief and pride in his success.

I remember standing by helplessly as my second daughter had her heart broken by a somewhat oblivious young man who hadn't realized the many costs to my daughter of allowing her to entrust him with her heart. (handing him the strings so to speak) and my heart was tugged to the point of anguish by her disappointment and sorrow. But just the other day she happily announced that she had flirted with a boy---her heart is starting to rally---and enjoyed it and my heart felt joyful little twinges on her behalf.

During one of life's many periods of adjustment my youngest daughter felt like she didn't have any friends. She felt lonely and undesirable. My heart was tugged until it ached for her loneliness...then the sun came out and there was a time when she had two dates in one weekend and my heart felt youthful twinges of her joy.

Sometimes as a mother I feel as if my heart has been pulled and twinged and tugged out of shape and even out of place. Sometimes I feel like my heart has been yanked so hard that it has suffered irreparable damage. At the same time we are fed and nourished by our children's triumphs and joys we are pained by their stumblings and sorrows. Our hearts are continually being worked over---pulled like taffy into hopefully something soft and yielding and sweet and pliable.

You know when you drop something between the washer and dryer or between cabinets or something falls behind your dresser and you reach as far as you can---straining to grasp what was lost---reaching until it's painful and you feel like you just can't stretch any farther? That is what it feels like when our children move away from us---whether it is walking by themselves for the first time without holding our hand, driving down the road without us in the car, finding someone besides us to love and to need, turning away from us because they want to do things their way, or going off to college---it tugs and yanks and tears at the very core of our being just trying to grasp what once was ours to protect and guide and what will always be connected...

I would like my daughter to understand that when she comes home from college the heart strings are relaxed and that just starts feeling really nice when once again it is time for her to go and I feel the beginning of a tug...